I hope the therapy suits your wishes and needs. If you have any questions, comments or complaints, I hope you will discuss this with me directly so that we can come to a good solution together. Should we not come to an agreement together, you can submit a complaint in writing to the Complaints Committee of the Association VIT (‘Vereniging van Integraal Therapeuten’).
A complaint or a feeling of dissatisfaction can arise, and it may happen that you are not satisfied with the treatment you have been offered. This is not pleasant for either party but especially not for you. Therefore, VIT has listed the steps to deal with your complaint/dissatisfaction in the best possible way. First discuss your problem yourself with me, as your therapist. Dissatisfaction and complaints often arise from unhappy communication and/or treatment. Asking directly and honestly for clarification helps solve many problems. The right to complain is regulated by the Dutch Wkkgz, the Quality, Complaints and Disputes regulation. With the Wkkgz, the government has ensured an accessible complaints scheme. The law ensures that clients can rely on good care and a good, quick and accessible handling of complaints and disputes. Following this law, I am also a member of the SCAG disputes committee. More information can be found on the VIT website: https://vit.procurios.site/cliënten/niet-tevreden.