
Michaela Pelka

Michaela Pelka, Core Energetische therapie

As a body-oriented therapist, I gladly support you on your way to your authentic core where life energy, love and joy can flow freely. In the sessions, I work holistically with body, consciousness and energy.
Your body remembers all your experiences in life. Unprocessed painful experiences can be stored in your body as blockages and tension and can make you feel stuck in one or more areas of life. In the sessions, I offer you a safe space to explore and transform blocking patterns in yourself and in relation to others; especially the patterns that hold you back from enjoying your life to the fullest.

The therapy process is about you and the topics that are moving you.
You are welcome with any topic that moves you.
I am happy to support you in your process.

– Bachelor Study Arts Therapies, specialization Musictherapy
– Dance teacher
– Professional Training Core Energetics, Body Psychotherapy (NICE, Netherlands Institute of Core Energetics)
– Various courses and trainings

For my professional development and the maintenance of my skills, I regularly train further
and reflect my therapeutic work in supervision.


Do you have any questions or do you want to plan an intake session?
Feel free to reach out and send me an email.
Email: michaela@core-pelka.com

*At the moment, I am not taking on any new clients.*

My practice ‘Michaela Pelka – Lichaamsgerichte Psychotherapie’ is registered in the Dutch trade register (Kvk Nijmegen/Arnhem 87107252), BTW (VAT) NL004372259B23. As therapist I am registered at the Dutch professional associations for body psychotherapy VIT
(no. 968.25.A) and RBCZ (code 230341R). Furthermore, I am connected to SCAG and TCZ for complementary therapies.

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